Cav Empt

Japanese cult streetwear brand founded by Toby Feltwell, Hishiyama Yukata, and SK8THING (profile image is Toby Feltwell)

After spending years designing Japanese streetwear brand Bape, Toby Feltwell and SK8THING became disillusioned with Bape’s mass appeal, but wanted to continue working together in the industry. The two of them, with Hishiyama Yukata, started Cav Empt in 2011 as a continuation of the streetwear-oriented work Feltwell and SK8THING did at Bape. It has since become an extraordinarily successful label, incorporating acid-washed sweatshirts and cargo pants, camo-inspired prints, and sci-fi graphics into the collections. The aesthetic tends towards a futuristic, utilitarian look, with bright colors and non-traditional silhouettes (the name Cav Empt is derived from the Latin legal phrase caveat emptor, meaning “let the buyer beware).